Friday, May 23, 2008


What’s Zero?
What is nothing?
Nothing is nothing.
Nothing at all.
How can nothing be something?

If zero is nothing, then nothing is zero.

Is it just unknown absence of something,… or presence …?
Whatever, still it has its own identity.
But, how can something have identity when it is nothing… :
Nothing is really amazing!

Is there something which is really similar to zero,
Means something similar to nothing… :
Don’t you think, it is really hard even to compare nothing?
As there is nothing with which u can compare nothing.

One of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire was, lacking zero.
Yes, it’s true.
They had everything, except nothing.

Zero is never –ve or +ve.
It is world’s ultimate neutral.

Is there anything, which is nothing but everything…
nowhere but still everywhere…
never and forever…

Yes, If you believe.

Isn’t it enough that for last few seconds you are reading about nothing?



Swati Bytes said...

i have this poem which i would like to share ..well as you say its 'nothing' but sometimes i find that poems say a lot that i am not able to do so. so here it is -

An Idea Concieved At Night, Now Lost.

Out of nothing it grew
And became nothing all at once,
Seeking nothing
Seeing nothing
And asking for nothing.

Nothingness surrounded it,
A blackness that began at nothing
And ended there too,
So that there was nothing
In its place.

Beside nothing it walked,
Into nothing it stepped
And it could run through nothing
Execept a blank piece of paper,
Which might have saved it.

Fed by nothing,
Tolerated by nobody but I,
It blinked blind eyes
Towards its source
And disappeared again almost at once,
So that nothing could be
Concieved of it.

But for a blinding moment,
I saw it,
The nothing that was nothing
That had come from nowhere,
An invisible light in the dark.

Where before there was nothing,
Afterwards I could go
Nowhere for the loss of it.

Danielle Moffat

Unknown said...

It reminded me of Kumarji's famous - 'shoonya shahar, ghar, basti. Kaun soya hai, kaun jaage hai.....'
In Tarot cards, zero is the Card of The Fool. It represents the fearless explorer, ready to experience every moment of life as it is; without preconceived notions and judgments.
Good luck - keep exploring !!

S W A P N N said...

Welll some years back we Use to beleive....Zer0 is the begining and so we are the zero ...a nice written and expressed blog buddy ...kiran patil

sachinm said...

Great!!! This is what I start with...amazing thoughts and rightups...
But! Let me elaborate more on this "Nothing"...

As Zero is Nothing,
You know what?
Nothing is the Ultimate Truth.

Truth is Not what you are seeing,
But Nothing that you are able seeing.

This World started with Nothing,
And the day is not too far,
When it will end with nothing.
Because Nothing is the Ultimate Truth.

As Our Body without the Soul, is Nothing,
The World without us is Nothing.
And see!!! The man himself is behind achieving this Ultimate Truth, but in a very Cruel way,
From which he will always get "Nothing".

And do you know what the Ultimate truth is?
It's DARKNESS "because you can't see it, or feel it, as it's Nothing!

So Ultimately!!! Everyone is behind achieving this Ultimate Truth.