Monday, May 26, 2008

NOTHING by Danielle Moffat

Actually this is Swati's reply to my welcome post,
but it is so awsome that i am putting it as my post so that who'll visit my blog can read it.
thanks dear...

Swati says -
i have this poem which i would like to share ..
well as you say its 'nothing'
but sometimes i find that poems say a lot
that i am not able to do so.
so here it is -

An Idea Concieved At Night, Now Lost.
Out of nothing it grew
And became nothing all at once,
Seeking nothing
Seeing nothing
And asking for nothing.

Nothingness surrounded it,
A blackness that began at nothing
And ended there too,
So that there was nothing
In its place.

Beside nothing it walked,
Into nothing it stepped
And it could run through nothing
Execept a blank piece of paper,
Which might have saved it.

Fed by nothing,
Tolerated by nobody but I,
It blinked blind eyes
Towards its source
And disappeared again almost at once,
So that nothing could be
Concieved of it.

But for a blinding moment,
I saw it,
The nothing that was nothing
That had come from nowhere,
An invisible light in the dark.

Where before there was nothing,
Afterwards I could go
Nowhere for the loss of it.

Danielle Moffat


Swati Bytes said...

thanks for putting this out there..
the funny part is that this poem always in the end gives me 'something'...

Anonymous said...

Very nice to see one of my poems finding its way around the internet - glad you enjoyed it.

Take care,
